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Featured Teen Story

This month we want to introduce you to Daisy!

She is attended our 6th annual LA Spa Day last month. She was so excited to come, that she asked her doctors at UCLA/Mattel Children’s Hospital if you could be admitted later in the day so she could attend spa day. These events mean so much to our teens, giving them the opportunity to meet other teens that are going through similar situations. The friendships formed are so important, but this spa day proved to be extra special for Daisy. Jeremy Lucero, Stila and Jane Cosmetics videographer was at spa day filming and met Daisy and there was an immediate connection. You see, Jeremy’s older brother was born with spina bifida, as was Daisy. Jeremy had a scooter that was his brothers’s and he wanted to donate it to a teen and a couple weeks later Daisy was the proud new owner of a scooter! Talk about amazing. Such a gift gives Daisy the independence that she deserves.

Thank you Jeremy for a gift of a lifetime!

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